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Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo Valley National Park lies in the rugged, semi-arid valleys between Uganda’s borders with Sudan and Kenya, some 700km from Kampala.

Gazetted as a national park in 1962, it has a profusion of big game and hosts over 77 mammal species as well as around 475 bird species.

Wildlife is abundant! Lions, Leopard, Cheetah, Elephant, Giraffe, Zebra (this is Uganda’s only park where giraffe and zebra are found together), possibly Africa’s largest herds of Buffalo, Hartebeest, Waterbuck, Bushbuck, Warthog…the list is endless.

The park spans 1,442 km2 and ranges from 900 to 2.750m in altitude. Because of its remote location on the border with South Sudan, Kidepo Valley is possibly the only national park left on the whole continent where you can almost have the park to yourself. Kidepo Valley was recently rated 3rd-best National Park in Africa by CNN.

While in this region spend time in a Karamojong village learning about their traditional way of life.

This seasonal oasis, combined with the open, savannah terrain, makes the Narus Valley the park’s prime game viewing location.

Other landmarks on the path north

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